318344377 509555567870767 2130999997037900638 N
318344377 509555567870767 2130999997037900638 N
318308633 509555534537437 5620730268369521347 N
318335585 509555481204109 6100412223304347851 N
318326947 509555287870795 7369034454459026781 N
318208861 509555244537466 8383826897435905430 N
318314251 509555191204138 1497516485512437508 N
318224698 509555144537476 4296980518580601591 N
318327648 509555057870818 1732456604764194168 N
318344377 509555567870767 2130999997037900638 N 318308633 509555534537437 5620730268369521347 N 318335585 509555481204109 6100412223304347851 N 318326947 509555287870795 7369034454459026781 N 318208861 509555244537466 8383826897435905430 N 318314251 509555191204138 1497516485512437508 N 318224698 509555144537476 4296980518580601591 N 318327648 509555057870818 1732456604764194168 N

Balochistan Budget FY2022-23 Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB)

Balochistan Budget FY2022-23
Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB)
Meeting with MPs & Chair-BCSW
1 December 2022, Quetta
Members of the Balochistan Assembly and the Chair of the Balochistan Commission on the Status of Women attended a meeting in which Omar Asghar Khan Foundation‘s gendered analysis of Balochistan’s Budget FY2022-23 was shared. This meeting was hosted by the Foundation and Shirkat Gah in continuation of its engagement with parliamentarians & government officials under Fempower Pakistan to promote GRB, that also contributes to meeting CEDAW & SDG5 requirements. The findings of the analysis were appreciated and efforts to promote gender-responsive & inclusive budgets were discussed.