410872287 753954720097516 2548090942144158303 N
410872287 753954720097516 2548090942144158303 N
411950952 753954603430861 7961555375688791008 N
410861769 753954573430864 8946610080037755306 N
411970000 753954490097539 4311364593427760387 N
411969923 753954510097537 2781775087584291062 N
410872287 753954720097516 2548090942144158303 N 411950952 753954603430861 7961555375688791008 N 410861769 753954573430864 8946610080037755306 N 411970000 753954490097539 4311364593427760387 N 411969923 753954510097537 2781775087584291062 N

Women’s Voice & Local Ownership (WVLO)

Women’s Voice & Local Ownership (WVLO)
Scaling Social Accountability for Amplifying Women’s Voice & Improving Health Services
Launch Workshop, 3-9 December 2023, Lisbon-Portugal
Scaling social accountability to amplify women’s voices to make healthcare more responsive to their needs and increase the uptake of reproductive health services is the objective of the four-year WVLO project supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).
The BMGF convened an intensive workshop bringing together its three WVLO country teams from Ethiopia, Pakistan, Senegal to prepare for the implementation of a co-design process in Year 1 Inception Phase. Shirkat Gah-Women’s Resource Centre is BMGF’s implementing partner in Pakistan. Omar Asghar Khan Foundation will partner with SG, taking lead responsibility for designing, testing and scaling a social accountability methodology in selected areas of Sindh.