380053754 700203405472648 6901544806677478568 N
380053754 700203405472648 6901544806677478568 N
380038663 700203395472649 5874198480214283758 N
380054267 700203388805983 775401225219879612 N
382105930 700203292139326 7879978427053424239 N
382076159 700203162139339 6775027387936381181 N
380183422 700203135472675 9064309635545335242 N
380048857 700203035472685 7931328187655478012 N
380038957 700203052139350 5406872102922229120 N
380050793 700203045472684 1527490268229303408 N
380053754 700203405472648 6901544806677478568 N 380038663 700203395472649 5874198480214283758 N 380054267 700203388805983 775401225219879612 N 382105930 700203292139326 7879978427053424239 N 382076159 700203162139339 6775027387936381181 N 380183422 700203135472675 9064309635545335242 N 380048857 700203035472685 7931328187655478012 N 380038957 700203052139350 5406872102922229120 N 380050793 700203045472684 1527490268229303408 N

Social accountability for better public services. Abbottabad

Social accountability for better public services
♀ leaders & ♂ allies meet government officials & elected public reps
20-21 September 2023, Abbottabad
Omar Asghar Khan Foundation assisted 17 women leaders and 12 male allies from 13 CSOs of District Abbottabad to present about 100 public petitions demanding improvements in schools, roads and other public services in a series of six meetings with senior district government officials of the education, health and social welfare departments as well as with the Mayor of Tehsil Abbottabad. These public petitions were prepared as part of the Social Accountability Plans (SAPs) pursued by local activists trained by the Foundation in using social accountability to improve citizen engagement in governance. These efforts are part of the Foundation’s project: Fempower Pakistan. “We are now skilled in identifying what changes are needed in public services and ways in which we can approach the government to demand them,” said a local woman leader.
The government officials and Mayor Abbottabad promised to take appropriate action in response to the petitions. They appreciated the efforts made by the women leaders and male allies in identifying ways in which public service delivery may be improved in the district. “Together citizens and elected public representatives and the government can ensure better public services bring positive change in the lives of citizens,” said a senior government official.