429816818 801318538694467 3186148028785294361 N
429816818 801318538694467 3186148028785294361 N
429857065 801318578694463 1658395824305905660 N
429884271 801318528694468 5821350743971482567 N
430205102 801318505361137 1308740134933215746 N
429816818 801318538694467 3186148028785294361 N 429857065 801318578694463 1658395824305905660 N 429884271 801318528694468 5821350743971482567 N 430205102 801318505361137 1308740134933215746 N

Lived Experiences of Key Stakeholders Women’s Voice & Local Ownership-Scaling Social Accountability

3-4 March 2024, Karachi
About 25 community women, councilors, civil society activists and service providers (Lady Health Workers, Community Midwives, etc.) from District Khairpur came together to assess causes and impacts of poor uptake of family planning. They defined women’s health as a right to social, physical and mental well-being identified blocks to achieving it. Participants identified key stakeholders (enablers, opponents and fence sitters) and ways to engage them. This two-day workshop was part of the co-design phase of the Women’s Voice & Local Ownership project implemented by Shirkat Gah-Women’s Resource Centre in collaboration with Collective for Social Science Research and Omar Asghar Khan Foundation with financial support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.