386338639 706452554847733 7310672844331734114 N
386338639 706452554847733 7310672844331734114 N
386086399 706452598181062 7622128524752125436 N
382602781 706452624847726 2489042463534665501 N
386360864 706452818181040 7553588354898550901 N
385854681 706452774847711 6042533671297177162 N
385299958 706452771514378 6372941782874697075 N
385881690 706452724847716 5315911041055221124 N
385865606 706452514847737 1314487167693872229 N
382753799 706452518181070 8625240319937813655 N
386343090 706452541514401 6661220852969774348 N
386338639 706452554847733 7310672844331734114 N 386086399 706452598181062 7622128524752125436 N 382602781 706452624847726 2489042463534665501 N 386360864 706452818181040 7553588354898550901 N 385854681 706452774847711 6042533671297177162 N 385299958 706452771514378 6372941782874697075 N 385881690 706452724847716 5315911041055221124 N 385865606 706452514847737 1314487167693872229 N 382753799 706452518181070 8625240319937813655 N 386343090 706452541514401 6661220852969774348 N

Innovations in Promoting Citizen Engagement & WPP Comsats University – Abbottabad Campus

Innovations in Promoting Citizen Engagement & WPP
Comsats University – Abbottabad Campus
28 September – 4 October 2023
Omar Asghar Khan Foundation facilitated Shirkat Gah-Women’s Resource Centre and Comsats University (Abbottabad Campus) with assistance from the District Election Commission (Abbottabad) to use a creative game that helped students better understand the importance of citizen engagement in democratic governance and electoral processes. Responding with energy and enthusiasm, students grouped in make-believe, fictional political parties prepared their manifestoes and ran a creative election campaign over about five days. Votes were cast and counted and results announced on 4 October 2023 at the closing ceremony. Speaking at the event, the Foundation’s Executive Director, Rashida Dohad said: “Debate and contestation of ideas is at the core of democracy. It helps find solutions to even intractable economic, social and security challenges. But for this citizen engagement and tolerance of dissent are critical.” Dr. Bahadur Nawaz, Head of Department, stressed the need to use such creative ways of learning and understanding. Ms. Fauzia Khan of Shirkat Gah appreciated the participation of students, especially women, but underscored the need for better gender equality in political processes.