333973722 1337495230376662 6303978197806714367 N (1)
333973722 1337495230376662 6303978197806714367 N (1)
333618726 555011136415343 5174375436927705004 N
333973722 1337495230376662 6303978197806714367 N (1) 333618726 555011136415343 5174375436927705004 N

Gender Responsive Budgeting Planning a Meeting with the National Assembly & Senate of Pakistan

Gender Responsive Budgeting
Planning a Meeting with the National Assembly & Senate of Pakistan
14 February 2023, WPC Office, Islamabad
Omar Asghar Khan Foundation met with the Secretary-Women Parliamentary Caucus-NA, Dr. Shahida Rehmani, to follow up on discussions held in August 2022 on GRB, CEDAW and SDG5. It was agreed that collaboration between the Foundation, Shirkat Gah & the WPC members/Senators will help promote GRB in ways that contributes to implementing the GRB Strategy developed by the WPC. Discussions on CEDAW would help prepare for the Country Report due in 2024. Subsequently, as discussed, the Foundation and Shirkat Gah sent a proposed programme for a two-day meeting to the WPC.