379449323 697096779116644 6746419361770157970 N
379449323 697096779116644 6746419361770157970 N
379738418 697096762449979 5219781725160979811 N
379462988 697096699116652 4971344631719440929 N
380246946 697096695783319 7095192526077662865 N
380156330 697096735783315 1966194705402559792 N
379449323 697096779116644 6746419361770157970 N 379738418 697096762449979 5219781725160979811 N 379462988 697096699116652 4971344631719440929 N 380246946 697096695783319 7095192526077662865 N 380156330 697096735783315 1966194705402559792 N

Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) Methodology for Gender Budget Tagging (GBT)

A GBT methodology designed by Omar Asghar Khan Foundation for the Sub-National Governance Project was reviewed and given a thumbs-up by a Working Group attended by senior government officials of the Government of Punjab. Omar Asghar Khan Foundation will now apply the GBT methodology to Punjab’s budgets of the last three fiscal years and present findings of trends in public finance investments to promote women’s empowerment. The methodology has already been approved by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its trends analysis completed by the Omar Asghar Khan Foundation.